Concurso de Design Rugvista!


happiness por Emre Binci



Acerca de Emre Binci

Emre Binic is a Turkish designer and his designs are the products of long time life experience and in the textile business. He has visited many countries and had the chance of knowing different cultures and tastes. Some classical designs are very nice and some of them like modern some are the combination of both modern and traditional designs. He has had long experience in textile sector for over 8 years. This experience has also became very helpful in developing and creating his designs, even though most of his ideas come from the taste of people in colouring and way of life.
Desenler uzun bir çalışma ve tecrübenin ürünleridir.Tasarımlar genelde yasamıs ve edinmiş oldugun tecrübeler ile yogrulmustur.Aynı zamanda farklı kültürleri gezerek ilham aldım ve bazı desenler modern bazı desenler klasik tarzda oluşturuldu.Renkler daha çok canlı ve modern renklerden secildi..

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